Tutti i vestiti più popolari poi sono a prezzo scontato e la spedizione è anche gratuita!
W.S.Dear is a women's clothing and accessories online shop with products ranging from the vintage style of the day, such as dresses, t-shirts, jackets, tops, skirts, sweaters, Leggings, etc.
All popular clothes are at a discounted price and then shipping is also free!
Oggi voglio proporvi un giveaway in collaborazione con W.S. Dear che vi permetterà di vincere un buono di 10 dollari da spendere sul sito oppure scegliere un capo da qui http://www.wsdear.com/shop-under-9-99.html
EN.Today I want to offer a giveaway in collaboration with W.S. Dear that you will win a voucher of $ 10 to spend on the site, or choose an item from here http://www.wsdear.com/shop-under-9-99.html
EN.Today I want to offer a giveaway in collaboration with W.S. Dear that you will win a voucher of $ 10 to spend on the site, or choose an item from here http://www.wsdear.com/shop-under-9-99.html
Guardate che carini questi abiti
Troverete nello shop anche tantissimi accessori!
L'estrazione è stata effettuata dall'azienda Ws.Dear
VINCE : Vasilica B.
REGOLE scade il 29 maggio alle 20.00
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-commentare lasciando il link ad un articolo che vi piacerebbe ricevere con la vostra mail
-seguire la mia pagina facebook https://www.facebook.com/KitchenAndBeauty/?fref=ts
EN.RULES expires on 29 May at 20.00
-follow my blog http://www.trendyaifornellienonsolo.it/
-follow the www.facebook.com/wsdearshop page;
-comment leaving the link to an article that you would like to receive with your email
-follow my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/KitchenAndBeauty/?fref=ts
EN.RULES expires on 29 May at 20.00
-follow my blog http://www.trendyaifornellienonsolo.it/
-follow the www.facebook.com/wsdearshop page;
-comment leaving the link to an article that you would like to receive with your email
-follow my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/KitchenAndBeauty/?fref=ts